Interactive Legal Research & Writing Lessons: A Modular Approach – Writing Suite

West Academic Publishing
Primary Subject
Legal Writing
Interactive Videos
Modular LRW


After a year of preparation and years of planning, West Academic is excited to introduce its innovative Modular Legal Writing product. This comprehensive product is intended to offer individual modules on varying Legal Writing topics which faculty can use to supplement their legal writing and research courses. The modules were created by a diverse team of authors from across the country, representing many different law schools. Any professor teaching Legal Research and Writing, Seminar Courses, or Orientation classes can take advantage of these 13 writing modules.

This modular group of interactive lessons provide options for both the professor and the student, allowing a broader breadth of coverage outside of designated class times. Professors can “flip” their classroom, offering the modules as outside assignments and then cover their own exercises in class. What is more, if a professor is not as comfortable with teaching a certain topic, he or she can assign the module to fill the gaps of the classroom instruction.

Every module was designed to provide maximum interaction and allow students to engage with the content via exercises, questions, and a variety of audio and visual formatting. Given the skills-based nature of Legal Writing courses, students will be able to learn by doing, rather than merely reading about the topic in the abstract. As a stand-alone set of course materials, or coupled with any other text, the Interactive Legal Research & Writing Lessons: A Modular Approach product is a must-have for your students.