Chomsky, Kunz, Martin, and Schiltz's Learning Sales Law, 2d

West Academic Publishing
Primary Subject
Comml Law-Sales And Leases
CasebookPlus Hardbound
Learning Series
Publication Date
CasebookPlus Hardbound - New, hardbound print book includes digital access to an eBook, with the ability to highlight and take notes, and 12-month access to a digital Learning Library that includes self-assessment quizzes tied to this book, leading study aids, an outline starter, and Gilbert Law Dictionary.
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Learning Sales provides comprehensive treatment of UCC Article 2, employing strategies designed to help students both learn the course material and develop the skill of reading and understanding statutes. The book also includes coverage of salient aspects of Article 2A and the CISG, for those who wish to include those topics, either as separate units or in comparative fashion. The book is divided into eight Chapters, each focused on an aspect of sales law addressed in Article 2 (e.g., contract formation, warranties, and remedies). The Chapters are further divided into 24 Assignments, each focused on an identified set of sections from Article 2 (or 2A or the CISG).

The second edition continues with the structure and teaching methods of the first edition, taking full advantage of active learning techniques:
  • Consistent with the rest of the Learning series, the book draws upon current learning theory and practice by articulating “Key Concepts” for each Chapter and identifying “Learning Outcomes and Objectives” for each Assignment.
  • “Reading the Code” questions for each set of statutory provisions guide students to learn the UCC by actively reading and analyzing the language of Article 2 themselves, rather than relying more passively on what others (judges and commentators) have said about the Code.
  • “Examples and Analysis” entries for each set of Code provisions provide case summaries showing how courts apply those portions of the Code. In the second edition, the Analysis entries include expanded explanations of the cases, to introduce students to more nuances of the Code.
  • Judicial opinions appear only where they are important for conveying analytic approaches. They are accompanied by questions about the case, to help students be more focused in their reading and class preparation.
  • “Applying the Code” problems appear at the end of each section or Assignment, allowing students to assess and integrate their understanding of the preceding material.
  • Students enjoy the book’s focus on problem-solving and can see their skills of reading and interpreting the Code improve as they engage with the examples and problems.

The authors are experienced teachers of Sales and Contracts who developed and refined the materials to reflect their own active engagement of students.