Chasalow's Experiencing Business Organizations, 3d
CasebookPlus eBook – An eBook with the ability to highlight and take notes, plus 12 month access to a digital Learning Library that includes self-assessment quizzes, study aids, an outline starter, and more.
This updated version of the well-received Business Organizations or Corporations book, integrates experiential, skill-based, optional exercises into a traditional casebook framework. It features the foundational cases of most business organizations books, framed in the context of actual problems that would be presented to a business attorney. In addition to the traditional cases, principles and statutes found in this substantive area, the book includes a number of optional experiential exercises and scenarios, enabling students to use these materials to resolve real issues that will be faced by real clients. This edition integrates updated materials, including new rules impacting digital assets, derivative lawsuits, Caremark claims, and proxy rules. The book may be used for traditional business organizations law classes that want to have the option of including one or more experiential learning assignments as well as business organizations simulations.