Choper, Dorf, Fallon, and Schauer's Leading Cases in Constitutional Law, A Compact Casebook for a Short Course, 2022

West Academic Publishing
Primary Subject
Constitutional Law
American Casebook Series
Publication Date
eBook - Digital access to the eBook, with the ability to highlight and take notes.


An annually-revised paperback designed for a single-semester course on constitutional law. The four renowned authors, now including Michael Dorf and Frederick Schauer, are co-editors of a long-time favorite teaching book, the much larger and newly revised Constitutional Law: Cases, Comments & Questions, 13th Edition. "Leading Cases," which is a stripped-down version of that book, contains "the essentials" for teaching a basic course in constitutional law. Because the organization of the compact book parallels that of the much lengthier Choper - Dorf - Fallon - Schauer casebook, which contains extensive Notes & Questions, the latter can serve as a "resource" book for instructors teaching from the paperback. This edition of “Leading Cases” is up to date through the completion of the Supreme Court Term that ended in June 2022. Subsequent editions of “Leading Cases” will continue to be published every summer for classroom use in the fall and will include all the significant cases handed down during the most recent Supreme Court Term.